Singing Guide: Kygo ft. Chelsea Cutler

Singing Guide: Kygo ft. Chelsea Cutler

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Kygo's "Stargazing" Featuring Chelsea Cutler: Tips to Emulate Her Vocal Style

Kygo, a Norwegian DJ, is known for his tropical house style. One of his most popular songs, "Stargazing," released in 2017, features vocals from American singer-songwriter Chelsea Cutler. If you want to learn to sing like Chelsea Cutler, here are some tips and Singing Carrots resources to help you along the way.

Vocal Technique

Chelsea Cutler's vocal style is known for its breathy quality and emotional delivery. To sing like Chelsea Cutler, you should focus on the following techniques:

Breathing and Support

Deep diaphragmatic breaths are crucial in singing with a breathy style. Check out Singing Carrots's Breathing Basics and Breath Support articles for more information on how to breathe properly.

Vocal Registers

Chelsea Cutler sings in a mix of chest and head voice, which gives her voice a unique sound. You can read about voice registers in Singing Carrots's Voice Registers and Vocal Breaks article.

Emotion and Expression

To deliver a heartfelt performance like Chelsea Cutler, you need to connect emotionally with the song. Singing Carrots's Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking article will help you with this.


To sing like Chelsea Cutler, you should study her songs and emulate her vocal style. Here are some of her most popular songs and collaborations:

  • Stargazing: This song features Chelsea Cutler's breathy vocals and showcases her emotional delivery. You can find the chords and lyrics on Singing Carrots's Songbook.
  • Your Shirt: This song has a more upbeat tempo, but still highlights Chelsea's unique vocal style. Check out the song on Singing Carrots's Search Songs page, where you can filter by vocal range and genre.
  • Not Ok: This collab between Chelsea and Kygo puts her vocals in the spotlight. It's a great song to practice your breathy vocals and emotional delivery.

Singing Carrots Resources

In addition to the articles linked earlier, Singing Carrots also offers a variety of tools and resources to help you improve your singing skills. Here are a few that will be especially helpful:

  • Vocal Range Test: Find out your vocal range and compare it to famous singers using Singing Carrots's Vocal Range Test.
  • Pitch Accuracy Test: Practice your pitch accuracy with Singing Carrots's Pitch Accuracy Test.
  • Pitch Training: Develop your pitching skills with Singing Carrots's interactive Pitch Training exercises.
  • Songbook: Find the right songs for your voice and performance set with Singing Carrots's Songbook.
  • Singing Course: Take your singing to the next level with Singing Carrots's 21-lesson program covering singing theory and practical tips.


Singing like Chelsea Cutler takes practice and dedication, but with the right vocal techniques, song choices, and Singing Carrots resources, you can improve your skills and emulate her unique vocal style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.